Safety Tips

Ournumberone priority is and will always be our users’ safety andsatisfaction. We want you to have a great experience buying and sellingon, SnapNSell so take a look at the tips below

Meetinperson and use cash to complete a transaction, and choose a publicplace to exchange payment and items, like a coffee shop, supermarket,mall, or your local police station’s parking lot. Be wary of users whoare unable or refuse to meet face-to-face to complete a transaction,those who insist on dealing with something other than cash and those whoask you to mail payment for an item.Don’t send payment to someone youhaven’t met in person and don’t buy something without seeing itfirst.For larger items like furniture, you may sometimes need to meet abuyer/seller at home. We strongly recommend having someone else with youin these cases.Don’t use personal, certified or cashier’s checks, andnever wire money (e.g., Western Union) to another user. If you decide touse PayPal, make sure to protect yourself against fraud by being awareof the most common PayPal scams.Beware of users who make unusualrequests/suggestions, e.g., if a buyer insists on sending a check formore than the asking price (this is part of a common scam on manysites).There are millions of great deals on,SnapNSell, but be wary ofitems with unrealistically low prices, spammy descriptions, catalogphotos, or other photos that obviously haven’t been taken by the user.If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.The best way to completea transaction is to exchange the item and pay at the same time. Nevertransfer funds or use a debit card/check to pay someone in advance asthis makes you more vulnerable to scams.When receiving payment in cash,verify that the bills you receive aren’t counterfeit. Read the FederalReserve’s tips on how to recognize authentic currency here.Don’t trustusers who make requests that are out of the ordinary or who sendmessages that seem spammy. Buy and sell locally as much as possible,avoiding users who are overseas or in another city/state and ask to shipitems.If you’re unsure about someone’s identity and want to verify thatthey are who they say they are and are really located in your area, itmay be helpful to give them a short phone call before arranging to meetor to look them up online.Never give out your personal financialinformation to make or accept a purchase.Avoid certified/cashier checksand money orders as these methods may leave you unprotected fromscammers.We recommend communicating with other users only via SnapNSell in-app chat feature.If you have any doubts about a user’s authenticityor suspect they may be scammers or spammers, find another seller/buyer.There are millions of them on SnapNSell! Always check a seller’s profilepage (the same goes for potential buyers).Make sure information on thecondition of the item, price and payment method is clearly outlined andagreed upon prior to meeting. If a user can’t answer basic questionsclearly about the item he/she is selling, find a different seller.Beforepaying for something and completing the transaction, inspect the itemand check that everything matches the seller’s description.Test an itemto make sure that it works properly before purchasing it, especially ifyou’re purchasing electronics, a car, a bike or something similar.Note:When purchasing a vehicle, always verify the vehicle identificationnumber (VIN) and consult third party sources that can check thevehicle’s history for theft, damage and identification. Certain phonecarriers also provide this service at their stores and will be able totell you if the phone has been reported stolen .

SnapNSelltry our best to keep our platform safe and fun to use, but we also askour community of users to help by flagging inappropriate content orusers. If you believe another SnapNSell buyer/seller is offensive, spammy, ascammer or attempting to deceive users on our app, please report thisuser immediately so we can investigate further and take appropriateaction, which may include blocking that user. Our goal is to keep SnapNSell 100% free of scams and spam, and we appreciate your cooperation withthis! If you are defrauded by a user or feel your personal safety isthreatened, contact your local police department immediately.